Monthly Archives: June 2010

Fast Recipes for Grilling

It’s the start of another summer, which means it’s time for another of Mark Bittman’s “101” lists for The New York Times. In the past, he’s compiled simple recipes for salads, picnics, and meals; now he’s compiled quick recipes for … Continue reading

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Meat & Market

Two market trips today, as this was also my monthly meat CSA pickup day. New vegetables appeared for the first time this week, and a few are already on the way out. Cucumbers (new, time to make pickles!), carrots (finally … Continue reading

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Crimes Against a Cuisine

As a parent, I’ve leared how to say no to requests from He Who Will Not Be Ignored that originate from watching television commercials. It’s easy to deny requests for toys or games, but it’s harder to refuse suggestions about … Continue reading

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A Critic Is Born

Today was the last day of school for He Who Will Not Be Ignored. Included in the sheaf of art projects, returned tests, and other work sent home from his classroom was a stack of poems from his most recent … Continue reading

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Market Restrictions

Too much work, not enough cooking, and a flat-out refusal from He Who Will Not Be Ignored to eat any more leafy greens for a while (and I did manage to get him to eat kale, chard, and spinach in … Continue reading

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Braised Pork in a Rich Glaze

It’s the start of a new season of Hell’s Kitchen, and already I have to remind myself that chef Gordon Ramsay is an accomplished cook and restaurateur, not just some ex-footballer who yells at slack-jawed “executive chefs” with delusions of … Continue reading

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Rock That Font (Slight Return)

After writing yesterday’s post about the remarkable Rock That Font blog, I sent them a one-sentence email: “Submitted for your approval, my homage to your remarkable blog,” along with the link. Less than ten hours later I had a reply … Continue reading

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Market Promise

Today was another Saturday at the farmer’s market when it was threatening to rain, but it didn’t deter the locals. I’m using a different approach to my shopping this season, buying only what I’m absolutely sure I plan to cook … Continue reading

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Rock That Font

A friend and reader of this blog sent me this email about a month ago: About the typography of rock album covers: I have never seen a website that seems more precisely designed for [you] — except that there … Continue reading

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Chocolate Terrine with Custard Sauce and Pistachios

At long last, we come to the dessert for the Fifth Annual Birthday Dinner. I knew that it would have to be something with components that I could prepare in advance, requiring only a final plating before service. I also … Continue reading

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