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Tag Archives: food & cooking
Can’t Talk, Eating (Slight Return)
It was our turn to host our annual quarterly dining club dinner. As late as two weeks before the scheduled day we still had no idea what to make, or what theme to use to unite the courses. While we … Continue reading
Spin All the Things!
Visitors to the Belm Utility Research Kitchen, after seeing all of the gadgets and equipment, always ask “Is there anything else you need?” My answer is always the same: I’d like a chamber vacuum sealer and an ultracentrifuge. The former … Continue reading
Posted in food & cooking, science, technology
Tagged food & cooking, science, technology
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Salep Happy
Mess around with enough ice cream recipes and you discover the differences in texture created by certain ingredients. My go-to recipe uses egg yolks to make a denser, more custard-like ice cream than Philadelphia-style, which is made without. Adding various … Continue reading
St. Julia’s Day 2012
Wednesday would have been Julia Child’s 100th birthday. For this year’s St. Julia’s Day dinner (previous efforts here, here, and here), I wanted to pay tribute to what I used to call “god’s pantry”: her seemingly infinite supply of ingredients … Continue reading
A Better (Batter?) Mousetrap
The recent death of volume-challenged huckster Billy Mays has directed attention to the show Pitchmen, which follows the TV gadget process from home invention to in-your-face late-night advertisement. The inventors really believe in their creations. They have to, since they’ve … Continue reading
I Interviewed Fergus Henderson
Yes, I interviewed Fergus Henderson, the genius chef of St. John Restaurant, where I recently ate the best meal ever. Well, not in person. And I didn’t actually conduct the interview. Ryan Adams, who is documenting his effort to cook … Continue reading
Four Magic Words
Tasty salted pig parts. To paraphrase Bob Dylan, there’s no part of that phrase I don’t like. Boccalone is a salumeria in San Francisco, but they also have an online store. Add this to my list of reasons for a … Continue reading
Market trends
Still overloaded on vegetables from last week’s market trip, I pared down the purchases today. Boston lettuce, red chard, garlic scapes (the curly things), country sourdough loaf, asparagus, first cherries of the season, heirloom cherry tomatoes (tomatoes will be a … Continue reading
Tortilla Española with Chorizo and Scallions
In the summer months I try to cook some meals that incorporate more vegetables and less meat, preferably meals made with the local market produce. I had eggs from a nearby farm, chorizo from a newly-opened Portuguese market, and a … Continue reading
David and the Chocolate Factory
I didn’t include one of the vendors in my original post about the Union Square Farmer’s Market because I don’t consider them a seasonal addition, but rather a permanent fixture in our neighborhood. I’m talking about Taza Chocolate. I first … Continue reading