Tag Archives: culture

Thinking Differently

Steve Jobs changed my life. It was a gradual process that began in the fall of 1984, when I first interacted with a Macintosh. I had moved into Castle Moose, a house full of game-playing Harvard graduates and later the … Continue reading

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I Don’t Have to Show You Any Stinking Badges!*

Iwas a Boy Scout, but I never worked my way up the ranks to Eagle scout. That achievement required at least 21 merit badges, a few of which (swimming, lifesaving) were mandatory requirements completely beyond my physical capabilities. It should … Continue reading

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I used to be a Catholic altar boy, long enough ago that one Mass every Sunday was still recited in Latin. The ecclesiastical Latin I had to memorize back then has been more useful than I expected, first in my … Continue reading

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What I Say

We’re back from our London vacation. I was reviewing some of the video footage we shot, and found this, taken by Diane at the British Museum: We were concerned that Miles would be either bored with or overwhelmed by the … Continue reading

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Borough Market

Our friend Gretchen, who has lived in London for 13 years, took us along for her weekend shopping trip to Borough Market, literally under London Bridge. I feel quite lucky to live near the Union Square Farmer’s Market. It’s open … Continue reading

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I’m posting from London, where we’re on vacation during Miles’s spring school break. Yesterday we visited Harrods department store, where I automatically gravitated to the legendary Food Hall. At the charcuterie counter I had convinced myself to buy a bit … Continue reading

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The Best Food Court in Boston

Food courts are awful. They always have the same collection of eateries you have only ever seen in other food courts, usually with food dumbed down for average American tastes. One afternoon I accepted a sample of chicken from each … Continue reading

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Burns Night

Today is the birthday of the great Scots poet Robert Burns. It will be celebrated by true Scots everywhere with the traditional Burns night supper, a meal that features a haggis for the main course. Although I will not be … Continue reading

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