Fwied Wabbit

Things may be quiet here, but I assure you I have been cooking. The soups and stews that have kept us warm and fed during the Month of Endless Winter may not be blogworthy, but they have provided me with an opportunity to explore the depths of the Deep Storage Facility.

I could pretend that the first day of spring and The Complete Nose to Tail arrived simultaneously, but the book is two months old. Still, a recipe for rabbit seems appropriate for a spring/Easter post. And I had a rabbit in the freezer.


I braised the sections in a quart of what began as trotter gear, but has mutated though various pheasant and guinea fowl preparations into a general game stock that I keep straining, reducing, and returning to the freezer.


After the pieces cooled I dredged them in flour and breadcrumbs, with a bit of Dijon mustard in the egg wash. Chef Henderson likes the combination of rabbit and mustard.


After a short trip in the deep fryer the rabbit was ready to eat, accompanied by roasted sprouts with bacon (of course, bacon).

Final Plate

He Who Will Not Be Ignored declared it to be “almost as good as [my] fried chicken,” which qualifies as high praise. It was moist and crispy, slightly sweet from the braise, with a faint bite from the mustard. It reminded me that I should be cooking more rabbit; it’s not just fancy Easter fare, it’s a homey dish that can be made in any season.

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2 Responses to Fwied Wabbit

  1. Ryan says:

    Finally catching up on my blog reading. I love, love, love this post. May I share it?

    • David says:

      I was about to ask why you hadn’t cooked this recipe when I remembered it’s from Beyond Nose to Tail. Glad you like the post, go ahead and share. And fry up some rabbit.

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