Miles interrupted my dinner prep one night, saying “Dad, I think you need to make this soon.” He handed me a sheet of paper written on both sides:
The recipe is for Patato [sic] Paradise:
Things you need:
- potatoes
- potato chips
- frozen fries (any kind you want)
- mashed potatoes
- cooking utensils
- knife
How to start:
- Turn on the oven to any degree you want
- Mash half of the potatoes (save some leftovers)
- Put in frozen fries (and mashed potatoes) in the oven
- Smash chips
- Wait then serve and enjoy!
For his first attempt, it was a recipe that I could follow knowing his intent. I clearly didn’t have to mash the mashed potatoes again, and the crushed chips were meant to be a garnish once the other potatoes came out of the oven. I was impressed that he realized the fries could go into the mixture frozen, knowing they’d cook with the mashed potatoes. I guessed at an oven temperature of 400 degrees.
About a week after receiving the recipe I made Potato Paradise under Miles’ close supervision. It looked like what you’d expect:
I served, and we enjoyed. The leftover mashed potatoes were a stiff batch, so they crisped up on the sides and bottom of the pan. The fires on top got crispy, those inside the mix didn’t. It tasted good, like a deconstructed tater tot. I’ll probably make it again, without the interior fries – maybe a layer on the bottom of the pan.
I’ve been advised that there are more recipes to come. They’re currently being worked out in the test kitchen in his head.
Oh, this is so lovely. What a dad!
This was Miles’ second recipe. His first, “Popcorn in a Box,” didn’t break any new culinary ground.
I’ve bee lax in getting him in front of a stove, but that will change this summer.