Anthony Bourdain has turned to the realm of animation to purge the demons that plague his sick, twisted mind. The level of insult he’s permitted with No Reservations isn’t sufficient to express his true thoughts about some aspects of the food celebrity business, so he’s launching Anthony Bourdain’s Alternate Universe as a web-only series in 2010. Here’s a teaser trailer: he explains in his blog,
… these dark, nasty, frequently foul two minute long web extras are not a replacement for No Reservations. They are not a pilot for some new, family friendly, watered down follow on. They are instead brief, often violent, alt versions of No Res — representing things we could never have done on the actual show — or the way things should have gone on the show — or animated acknowledgments of what already went terribly wrong on the show. Or, for example, my take on the network’s “Travel Bug” promo campaign — about which I was, shall we say…dubious.
Rather than leaving us hanging until the new year, Bourdain has released this episode: also takes full responsibility for the content:
I wrote the damn things — so there’s nobody to blame but me if they’re not as quick, nasty — and funny as I think they are. And I want to thank Andrew Zimmern and Samantha Brown in advance — for their extraordinarily good humored participation in one particularly lurid episode. I hope we don’t freak out their fan base.
I can’t wait for the rest. But what he said about Alton Brown — them’s fightin’ words.