
I had to move this blog to a new web host. While the migration was as painless as could be expected, there were still a few hiccups, some of which are still being manifested in these pages:

  1. There are stray characters showing up where none were present before.
  2. The behavior of the links for previous posts has been erratic. Sometimes they work, sometimes they default to the main page.
  3. The photos that immediately follow the titles and appear as thumbnails for older posts have temporarily disappeared.

My progress on clearing up these bugs will be slowed due to the holidays and my general lack of knowledge of the underpinnings of WordPress, but I’m on it. I appreciate your patience while I work on fixes.

Update 1/28/13:

Post photos restored, links repaired, stray characters banished. Bug free!

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2 Responses to Bugs!

  1. Stephen says:

    Hi David,
    Curious about your cast iron & flax oil experiance now that its been a few years:
    “cast iron pans re-seasoned with a new method. I read about it in the most recent Cook’s Illustrated, but the source is this blog post by Sheryl Canter. She gets some of the chemistry wrong, but her basic premise is sound: If you use an oil that maximizes polymerization at high temperatures, you will create a nearly non-stick coating on your pan.”
    Did it hold up, how did you clean it to begin with, where did you get the flax oil?
    Regarding the chemistry would this work on other metals or is it cast iron specific? Saw Cooking Issues blog showing how iron pans hot spot but All Clad style laminate pans are more evenly hot. So wondering if the flax oil works on stainless?

    • David says:

      I have two cast iron pans. One I treat with flax oil, the other with vegetable oil. I have found that the flax-treated pan has a more durable coating that is less likely to have food stick to it.

      There are a few ways to clean the pan to prep it for the first flax oil treatment; I think the Canter article mentions them. I sprayed oven cleaner in the pan, wrapped it in a plastic bag, and let it sit overnight before rinsing, drying, and oiling.

      I don’t think the process is specific to cast iron. The process of seasoning a carbon-steel wok is similar.

      I can’t think of any reason why you would want to oil treat a stainless steel pan. All it would do is bake a polymer coating on top of an already smooth surface. REmember, the reason we treat cast iron isn’t to make it non-stick like a teflon-coated pan, but to make it less sticky.

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